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Snoop's 2024 NCAA March Madness Pool
Who Picked 'Em?

Enter the name of the team as shown in the far left or far right column in the text box corresponding to the game you're interested in
You can fill in more than one box, but you can only put one team name in any box
You can see if a team was NOT picked by putting '!' in front of the team name
When you have filled in all the teams in the games you want to look up, click the Submit button at the bottom
A list of all entries who picked those teams in those games will be displayed
If you request results for multiple games, the results are returned for each game that matches the query (logical-OR), not for a match of all games (logical-AND) in the query. For instance if you enter Kentucky in the first box on the left-hand side and Texas in the first box on the right-hand side you'll get a list of all the people who picked Kentucky to win in Round 1 AND a list of all the people who picked Texas to win in Round 1, not a list of just the people who picked BOTH Kentucky AND Texas to win in Round 1. Got it?


1   South Carolina Iowa  1
16  PRES / SACHEART Holy Cross / UTM  16
8   North Carolina West Virginia  8
9   Michigan St. Princeton  9
5   Oklahoma Colorado  5
12  Florida GC Drake  12
4   Indiana Kansas St.  4
13  Fairfield West West Portland  13
6   Nebraska Louisville  6
11  Texas A&M Mid. Tennessee  11
3   Oregon St. LSU  3
14  E. Washington Rice  14
7   Ole Miss Creighton  7
10  Marquette UNLV  10
2   Notre Dame UCLA  2
15  Kent St. Cal. Baptist  15
1   Texas USC  1
16  Drexel Texas A&M-CC  16
8   Alabama Kansas  8
9   Florida St. Michigan  9
5   Utah Baylor  5
12  S. Dakota St. VAN / COL  12
4   Gonzaga Virginia Tech  4
13  UC Irvine West West Marshall  13
6   Tennessee Syracuse  6
11  Green Bay AUB / AZ  11
3   NC State UConn  3
14  Chattanooga Jackson St.  14
7   Iowa St. Duke  7
10  Maryland Richmond  10
2   Stanford Ohio St.  2
15  Norfolk St. Maine  15